Feral Hog Attacks on Humans

Feral hog (also called wild hogs and wild pigs; Sus scrofa) attacks on people are rare and uncommon.  In the United States, four people have died from feral hog attacks since the late 1800s—three victims were attacked by a wounded boar while hunting.

Given the opportunity, most feral hogs would flee rather than confront a nearby human. The majority of non-fatal attacks to people happen when hogs are cornered, threatened, or wounded in non-hunting circumstances.  Most human victims are adult males traveling alone and on foot.  In some cases, people walking their dogs are believed to instigate feral hog attacks.  The most frequent outcome for victims is mauling or no injury at all.  Most of the mauled victims were injured on their legs and feet.  Injuries are primarily lacerations and punctures, and can be extensive.  Serious infections or toxemia can result from injuries.  Fatalities were due typically to blood loss. 

Most attacks in the United States occur in rural areas, but attacks in urban and suburban areas are increasing.  Most attacks occur during daylight hours. Both male and female feral hogs of any age are responsible for the attacks.  Solitary male hogs as well as groups of hogs are known to attack.